Doctor Shivani show us the clinic, everybody in the team, how she works and answered to all our questions.
Gourav help us to manage money transfert because we have so many problems with our bank... the money start from Europe and come back in Europe, and start again and come back again. But now all is correct ! Thank you Gourav.
We aslo met our nice and smily surrogate. She was smiling but shy. We just exchanged a few words but a lot of emotions... When we leave the clinic a had some tears in my eyes... Thank you miss S we hope all will be ok for you.
Technically all is gone, "just" 2 Weeks Wait.....
- 16th june : meet Dr Shivani and embryologist for a first SemenSample to freeze
- 18th june : meet Lawyer and our beautiful Surrogate, and second semen sample
- 20th june : 3th semen sample and egg collection
(I dont know why 3 semen sample but ok, no problem :o)
-> 18 eggs collected and 18 embryos grade 1 and 2
-> 4 grade 1 transfered and 11 frozen
SCI decided to made ICSI and no IFV classic. Europe never propose us this traitement. It will increase our chances I guess.
Now... we have to waiting for next e-mail from Neha with good news we hope !
Please God, after so many disappointments, traitements, negative results, a lot of appointment with doctors, psychologists, 4 years on trying and one miscarriage. Please give us a chance to have the most beautiful job of the world !